Денис Волков - photo


  • Creative, and self-motivated web services developer with skills and over 12-year of experience in computer science and commercial software development.
  • Practical knowledge of modern web development languages and technologies such as Java, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON etc. Understanding of high-load service concepts, performance issues and optimization.
  • Portfolio includes over 10 own projects and commercial web-sites with non-standard logic.
  • Have strong analytic and research skills, have ability and interest to learn new technologies. Excellent communicating and brainstorming skills.

Experience and job history

Experience and job history
Web means DHTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Perl etc.

Download full resume (pdf) with more formal and detailed information about me, my experience and projects.

Recent projects

  • Pucyem.ru

    Online service for drawing together on unlimited shared white board using different painting tools. Text chat and navigation tools are available.

  • CryptoPad

    JavaScript-based data storage service with client-side data encryption. AES symmetric cryptography algorithm is used for client-side encryption.

  • LogoProg

    An original desktop application was developed for preparing visual materials for speech therapists. An online store was designed and integrated with payment systems.